Doc Happy with JoyAn
Feel joy rise in your heart at Joy Rising Ranch
“My horses ran out to the fields on a gusty autumn morning, I running behind them in a short nightgown, my bare legs free, over the green grass, a young horse myself, not minding that I was the slowest member of the herd, just pleasuring in the movement, filled with joy of life. Deer scattered before us. Then I became a bear cub snacking on blackberries along the fence. Sign showed me that a bear had already had breakfast before me, fattening itself for its winter sleep.
Moving, imagining, playing for the sheer joy of it is vital, Beloved Child. The joy of life is Creator’s gift to all creatures. Feel it flowing through you. Find it again if you have lost it. Imagine it first or feel into the images I share with you here.” ––Excerpt from When I Was a Child: As Given by the Cosmic Christ by Joy-An Tucker
Joy Rising Ranch was founded in 2013 as a sanctuary for animals, especially horses. It consists of 12 acres of irrigated pastures with a creek running through it and views of the Eddies Mountains. A short way off Highway 5, it is an easy drive south to Mt. Shasta and all of its attractions, just 11 miles south.
Old Buddy, a rescue
JoyAn, the owner, is the author of the books When I was a Child: As Given by the Cosmic Christ and New Earth, Bringing It Home
She offers spiritual counseling, self-empowerment, and life coaching–with assistance from the horses if desired: Equine Assisted Self-Empowerment for one 1 hour session or several sessions. 1/2 hour connection with horses available for children under 12.