
JoyAn stacking hay
Phone: 530-938-9678 (landline) 9am to 9pm 530-408-8575 (texting)
Contact person: Joy-An Tucker
In Weed, CA near Mt. Shasta
- Harmonize in the Heart Field of Horses $70 1 hour 3 session package $188
- Private group 10% discounts available for three or more.
- Healing with Doc Happy, the healing horse and his mom Honey $70/1 hour. 3 session package $188 (recommended as energy healing occurs in layers)
- Healing with Horses assisted by animal communicator $140/1 hour
- Distance healing with Doc Happy and his mom Honey $70/ 1 hour. 3 session package $188.
- Distance Healing with Horses assisted by animal communicator $140/1 hour
- Children 12 and under: 1/2 hour Laughing and Learning with Horses $40/person